The videos below demonstrate some of the different uses of the Toolkit cards.
They show how the cards can provide food production options, enabling people to understand assets, when presented to a community or decision making panel, generating discussion and questions from the audience.
The cards can be placed on a site map or master plan to inspire and design, moved around and played with as part of an interactive workshop, presentation or consultancy.  
Oxford City Centre

Analysis - The food production systems relevant to urban centres could be produced in miniature to fit onto a design or masterplan better, e.g. just the photos of the systems to be placed on the plan.

Oxford City
Analysis - miniature versions of the cards would also be useful in this scenario at this scale.  More than one card of each system would help duplicate applications across a city.  

Interactive workshop with toolkit cards
Participants were given 20 food production system credits to apply to Oxford city to 'best feed the residents' - participants could define that measure how best they liked e.g. breadth of yield, volume of yield, time taken to full yield etc.  The discussion which ensued was productive and helpful in deciding how one might choose to integrate food production in a city.  A time limit of 20 minutes was given, in order to keep discussion on track
Analysis - the time limit was too high a pressure on this group.  Whilst a time limit is helpful to keep from diversions, 30 minutes would be more realistic.
The credits idea was good for encouraging prioritisation but perhaps setting a goal such as 'fastest producing systems' or 'systems which produce the most yield in volume/weight' or 'systems which use the least amount of land space' could create interesting outcomes and discussions.  In a classroom setting I would perhaps give each small group a different objective to see how the decision making process may vary.
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